이준석, 배현진

이준석 대표 논의할 사안 있으시면 의사권을 권성동 대표님께 이양드리고 인사드리겠습니다. 이준석 국민의힘 대표가 20일 국회에서 열린 최고위원회의에서 배현진 최고위원과 설전을 벌이던 중 자리에서 일어서고 있다. …

Red Air

17 hours agoColonel Scott Manual Mills has been tasked with managing the reactivation of the Air Forces 65th Aggressor Squadron A…

Werner Amon

Amon war von 1994 bis 2019 mit kurzen Unterbrechungen Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat. Ombudsman Werner Amon was born in 1969 in Gra…


2 days agoKey Points. What does the abbreviation FED stand for. The Fed Up Challenge Day 1 No Sugar Challenge F…


The Official Website of Beyoncé. She has made a significant impact upon the music landscape in general with her recent albums 4 a…


My pedigree name is Fearless Warrior but my mum calls me Wilfred. I will never accept defeat. Human Warrior By …